7 Coimbatore College Students Arrested.

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Coimbatore Police have captured seven students of PSG School of Technology for purportedly ragging and attacking a junior from the similar college.

7 students arrested for ragging and assaullting juniors.

Upwards of seven students from PSG School of Technology in Coimbatore have been captured for purportedly ragging and attacking their junior.

The person in question, a second-year designing student at PSG School of Technology, was purportedly exposed to attack by his seniors, during which they likewise effectively shaved his head.

A cop, who addressed India Today television, said, “The second-year designing student was being badgering and extorted by the senior students over the most recent couple of days. On Monday, they took him to a room where he was attacked for a really long time.”

He said, “The seniors utilized a belt to raise a ruckus around town understudy and there were scraped spots on his body.”

The casualty documented a protest, after which police started a case, prompting the capture of seven students from the school. The school the board has guaranteed its full participation with any lawful activities regarding this situation.


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