United Nations

What does it mean to recognise Palestinian statehood?

What does it mean to recognise Palestinian statehood?

It is a step to “bring peace to the Middle East", according to Simon Harris, Ireland’s prime minister. On May 22nd his country, along with Norway and Spain, said that it would formally recognise Palestine as a state. Israel recalled its ambassadors from all three countries in response; its foreign minister condemned the trio’s decision as a “distorted step" and said it was evidence, in the wake of Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7th, that “terrorism pays". Ireland, Norway and Spain are joining the majority of countries: almost three-quarters of members of the UN recognise Palestine. What exactly does…
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‘Miscalculation’ could lead to wider Hezbollah-Israel conflict: UN officials | World News

‘Miscalculation’ could lead to wider Hezbollah-Israel conflict: UN officials | World News

There is a “very real” risk that a miscalculation along Lebanon's southern border could trigger a wider conflict between Hezbollah and the Israeli military, two U.N. officials in Lebanon warned on Saturday. The United States and France are working on a negotiated settlement to the hostilities along Lebanon's southern border. (File)(AP) The United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, and the head of U.N. peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, Aroldo Lazaro, said they were “deeply concerned” about the recent escalation along Lebanon's border. Iran-backed Hezbollah last week launched the largest volleys of rockets and drones yet in the eight months…
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