
Kuwait fire news: India sends military transport to bring back mortal remains of Indians | All we know so far

Kuwait fire news: India sends military transport to bring back mortal remains of Indians | All we know so far

India on Thursday night is sent a military transport aircraft to Kuwait to bring back mortal remains of nearly 45 Indians that were killed in a fire in a building housing foreign workers in its southern city Mangaf. Kuwaiti authorities have identified bodies of 45 Indians and three Filipino nationals. At least 49 migrant workers were killed in the blaze, while at least 50 more injured. Here are all the latest updates of the Kuwait fire: C-130J transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force will bring back bodies on Friday and it will first land in Kochi as most of the…
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Kuwait fire: Water tank saves the day for Nalinakshan from Kerala | World News

Kuwait fire: Water tank saves the day for Nalinakshan from Kerala | World News

When he last visited his family for the Kaliyattam festival in March, expat Nalinakshan from Kasargod district in northern Kerala would have never thought it would be a narrow escape from death for him few months later. Kuwait authorities have reported that the fire emerged from a seven-story building in Mangaf in the Ahmadi Governorate (PTI) “It was only when I was on the brink of being engulfed by flames that I recalled the water tank below. I realised it was close enough to jump to. Without a second thought, I leapt towards it," said Nalinakshan, an expatriate in Kuwait…
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