India vs USA showdown

Who is Saurabh Netravalkar’s Mumbai family supporting in India vs USA T20 World Cup? Sister answers | Trending

Who is Saurabh Netravalkar’s Mumbai family supporting in India vs USA T20 World Cup? Sister answers | Trending

India vs USA showdown has begun and people can't wait to witness what will go down in this match. As numerous individuals are stuck to their screens, supporting their favourite teams, who is Saurabh Netravalkar's Mumbai family cheering for? India vs USA: Saurabh Netravalkar celebrates In an interview with News 18's Cricket Next, Saurabh's sister Nidhi said, "We are supporting India. We want India to win the World Cup, and we are confident they have a good chance. That's also what we had hoped for in the ODI World Cup. We were born and brought up here, and we love…
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