
Russia-UK expulsions have targeted scores over past decades

Moscow's announcement Friday of expelling six British diplomats for alleged espionage has drawn a strong rebuke from the United Kingdom while also intensifying animosity between Russia and the West over the war in Ukraine. However, the six are but a small number in the history of Moscow-London acts of expulsion, which have a record of angry bursts over the past decades. Both sides have expelled more than 20 at a time — and in one case, more than 100. The expulsions are frequently tit-for-tat moves, with one side retaliating for the act of the other, something Russian diplomatic language calls…
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New Dutch leader bans phones in Cabinet meetings to dial back espionage threat

THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- The new Dutch prime minister has banned cell phones and other mobile devices from the weekly meetings of his Cabinet in a move aimed at dialing back the risk of digital eavesdropping by spies.“The threat of espionage is timeless. Electronic devices, a telephone, iPad, are all little microphones and countries are interested in decision-making also in the Netherlands and you want to prevent that. It's a very simple measure — all the phones in a safe,” Dick Schoof, a former head of the national intelligence agency, told reporters Friday.Phones were not banned under Schoof's predecessor, Mark…
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