
Humans Are Going to the Moon’s South Pole. This Is How They’ll Drive There

In 2030, about six years from now, American astronauts will return to the surface of the moon. When they land, they’ll face the same challenge as millions of freshly licensed teenagers the world over: They’ll need a sweet ride.The lunar mission, called Artemis V, is slated to send two astronauts to the lunar surface to conduct six days of science experiments at the moon’s south pole. To do the job, NASA is commissioning them a set of wheels—emphasis on wheels.This spring, NASA announced that three groups had been selected to carry out year-long studies of what it will take to…
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2024 Summer Olympics: A Self-Healing Pole Vault Pole Is One Great Leap for Sports Tech

The Swiss company CompPair focuses on composites with the goal of making products more repairable. Its hallmark composites rely on what CompPair calls HealTech technology to create a healable surface. The way it works is that when something gets scratched or dinged, heating up the resins that hold fibers together could soften them and let them slowly seep back into shape.CompPair says its compound can be fully healed within 10 minutes of heating. And if the actual fibers aren't broken, the compound matrix should be reset to as good as new. To be clear, this process has never been used…
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