AI adoption

What happened to the artificial-intelligence revolution?

What happened to the artificial-intelligence revolution?

In the world’s tech capital it is taken as read that AI will transform the global economy. But for AI to fulfil its potential, firms everywhere need to buy big tech’s AI, shape it to their needs and become more productive as a result. Investors have added $2trn to the market value of the five big tech firms in the past year—in effect projecting an additional $300bn-400bn in annual revenues according to our rough estimates, about the same as another Apple’s worth of annual sales. For now, though, the tech titans are miles from such results. Even bullish analysts think…
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EXCLUSIVE | Former Cisco CEO John Chambers calls for swift AI integration in startups

EXCLUSIVE | Former Cisco CEO John Chambers calls for swift AI integration in startups

John Chambers, former CEO of Cisco and a leader in the tech industry, issued a clarion call to startups to accelerate their AI integration efforts. Addressing the urgent need for agility and strategic evolution, Chambers underscored the rapid pace of AI advancement and the critical necessity for startups to adapt swiftly.Reflecting on his journey with AI, Chambers stated, "I thought I was an expert on AI eight years ago... It's how fast AI has changed that is the mistake that people make. I pushed on it before people could even spell it, and I thought I was always on the…
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