As Khar shared the clip, in the caption of the post, she wrote, “Taking my pet tiger for a walk. Dubai is different.”
In the video, the scene unfolds to reveal Khar is standing in a vast open space with a tiger restrained by a chain around its neck. The captivating footage captures Khar and the tiger strolling together in close proximity. (Also Read: Man scratches tiger’s ears, big cat loves it. Watch)
Watch the video here:
This video was shared a few days ago on social media. Since being posted, it has gained close to six million views, and the numbers are only increasing. The post also has numerous likes and comments.
Here’s how people reacted to it:
An individual said, “It seems she had a fight with the tiger before taking him for a walk.”
A second posted, “You need to return the tiger to the zoo or in the wild. It’s not a pet. Walking on cement concrete isn’t meant for them.”
“I would be scared to death next to a tiger, you are brave,” commented someone else.
An Instagram user wrote, “This is scary.”
Earlier, a video showcasing a pet tiger chasing its human caught the attention of many on social media. The “Billionaire Life Style” Instagram page posted the video. A pet tiger is shown in the beginning of the video chasing a man inside a UAE home. The man is overtaken by the tiger as the video goes on. The man then falters on the ground while attempting to run. He stands up and runs once more.
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